Introducing the new Mediastream platform web audio player


The audio streaming industry is experiencing a great moment and since the beginning of Mediastream we have always been connected with the radio world, offering quality products, innovating and supporting our clients in the realization of great projects.

That is why we are proud to announce the return of Radio Horizonte, a milestone that was part of Chile's history from 1985 to 2013, and that now the RDF Media group brings its 100% digital version, using the new player that Mediastream launches on the market.

Among the features that we can highlight, the website can be managed 100% from our platform, without the need of including other systems. The player offers its users an incomparable audio consumption experience, making both Live and Podcast streaming available, all in one place. It’s also interesting to notice that this player has the option to monetize content through the dynamic insertion of audio ads, like all the other players in Mediastream. 

“Mediastream's contribution has been strategic in terms of audio development at RDF Media. Not only because of the quality of its streaming, but fundamentally for the possibility to design and develop, as partners, experiences that mean an advance in comparison to what was a standard at the time. In some ways, our communication works like an alliance, which defines objectives that challenge both parties. And it is this type of bond that motivates us to continue working together ”. Comments by Gabriel Polgati, Executive Director of RDF Media.

We are very happy to bring this new alternative to the market. We work continuously to offer our customers the best streaming technology, our complete end-to-end solution, which incorporates all the tools necessary for the correct administration and distribution of audiovisual content. Live & AOD content management, online analysis, integrated players, editing and automation tools, CDN, monetization, among others.

This is how we celebrate the return of Radio Horizonte after 8 long years, now in a completely digital way.
