Key metrics to measure a streaming success


Today we will tell you a little about the indicators that we develop in Mediastream Platform so that our clients have the most complete information and can optimize their content day by day.

When talking about content such as video and audio, an important piece of information is ‘Playback Start’, which is the number of times the content has been played, which allows you to find the total of plays that your event has achieved. With this number, we have a basis to break down the following data such as ‘Stream’ which allows us to know users who have played at least 5 seconds of the content. You may have multiple visits, but with this indicator you can get to know those who are interested in playing your content and not just navigating your site.

Hence, we find ‘Time Played’ which is the number of minutes that users have consumed your content. They are usually divided into sections to determine the average by time segment.

Once users are already playing your content, a very useful metric is ‘Peak Concurrency’, which corresponds to the moment when they manage to have more reproductions during the event. This allows you to have a vision of the timeline that most interests consumers when they are watching the media.

Then we come to ‘Engagement & Retention’, which becomes very important when it comes to on-demand content. It is essential to be able to know user engagement and retention throughout the content, to know which sections of the content are most interesting for them and in which sections the users leave the media.

All these metrics are combined in different ways depending on the content and needs of each client. Mediastream Platform includes tools in our analytics module so that customers can see the performance of their content, with types of metrics that are exclusively designed for streaming audio and video.

In addition, our analytical module is in constant development, periodically providing updates targeted at the needs of the largest content creators. This is how we can increasingly provide more information about user consumption, demographic segmentation and preferences in each of the content they consume.

All of this information is key to making decisions about the performance of live broadcasts or VODs, on certain devices or geographic locations. This is because we know about streaming and it is our commitment to accompany our partners by providing the best technology and data for the success of their businesses.
