How it went: Tecate Pa'l Norte Virtual 2021


1 day, 7 hours of music, 18 artists and 3 simultaneous stages and backstage. In a fully three-dimensional world, it would be the first virtual experience that would connect more than 15 countries simultaneously. That was Tecate Pa'l Norte Virtual 2021.

"Mediastream was always our first choice, being the reference provider in Latin America for Live Streaming, seeing their list of clients, success stories and being the developer of the streaming platform for TicketMaster, there was no better option"
. Oscar Sánchez, Pa’l Norte Festival Team.

Amazing scenarios like exotic islands, a massive digital audience, cheers, applause and fireworks were part of an amazing production that simulated the atmosphere generated during a live concert.

The broadcast received thousands of recurring users from all over Latin America, who were able to enjoy the best image and audio quality, in addition to having the necessary technology so that attendees could broadcast the show from any Chromecast or AirPlay compatible device. Along with a chat for each of the scenarios, active throughout the event.

"The advice provided based on their expertise on Live Streaming is a point to highlight. Always looking for the best solution, they gave us enormous support on the technology that was used. Their production team is always highly available and committed to the entire process, exceeding the anticipated expectations". Oscar Sánchez highlights.

Each show is broadcast live through different stages, exclusively on the event website, which users can access after the accreditation process.

An experience that was strongly lived on social networks, where thousands of people shared their photos and videos enjoying the festival from their homes. Undoubtedly, experiences well achieved as this, define the present of mass events, where having the best transmission technology is one of the key factors to success.
