Face-to-face to virtual: discover the types of events you can implement through Live Streaming


While streaming events online has been around for a long time, it has become more relevant than ever in the last two years. With the difficulties that people have to attend events in person, online events increased their adoption in an evident way. Already in 2019, the industry generated $78 billion dollars in the United States alone and the expectation is that this figure will continue to grow around 23% annually at least until 2027.

The potential is there to capitalize on. By transmitting your event via streaming you have the possibility of amplifying your audience, reaching people from other countries and remote places in the world. In addition, in the case of being 100% online, you can even lower production costs and have better results. Of course, when putting together and planning your own event it is very important to take into account the alternatives and available modalities. Here we simplify things for you and tell you about the main types of events that you can carry out.

Face-to-face events

As its name suggests, these types of events refer to those that take place in a physical place. Auditorium, theater, concerts, meeting rooms, etc. Where the presenters and attendees are physically in the event and Live Streaming is just a complement, an alternative way of attending an event online that was specially planned to be face-to-face and transmitted online.

We could say that this type of event is the traditional, the most used in large mass events and initially used in conferences and seminars. Due to the pandemic it was impossible to carry out, that is why alternatives were sought.

Virtual events

In this type of registration, all the people, including speakers and moderators, are online and connected to a room, where the director coordinates their appearances. To make this format more dynamic, the director can use ‘curtains’ for transitions and start an important audiovisual production, being in charge of managing the different cameras, graphic elements and respective presentations. Depending on the event, live chat or polls can be added so that viewers can interact with the content. These events were strong with the lockdowns.

A great example of this was what we did with Icare, with whom Mediastream has worked for years to broadcast their events, which were generally face-to-face and due to the pandemic, they switched to a complete online model for speakers and moderators.

Another outstanding case is the ‘screeners’ of Netflix. The streaming giant used to premiere its series and hold events with the specialized press in cinemas. Currently it happens remotely using Mediastream technology.

Hybrid events

As you can imagine, this event occurs when we have a combination of physical and online presence. They are generally massive events that have online attendees, but are broadcast from studios using various techniques.

This is the most popular model and the one with probably the most future. Thanks to technology, guests can meet in the same studio as in different studios around the world. Integrating them all to simulate that they are all in the same place.

There is also the possibility of having an entertainer in front of a ‘chroma’ to moderate and present the guests, each one from their respective home.

In addition to these types of events, there are also more custom solutions for corporate events, internal communications, seminars, webinars and conferences. The important thing is always to choose the most suitable format for your specific event, taking into account the expected attendance and the impact to be achieved. In addition to this, it is always necessary to have a good service provider like Mediastream, which has been in business for several years and has vast experience with all kinds of events and live broadcasts.

Here you can find out more about Mediastream live streaming and don't forget that you can contact us by clicking the button below.
